Meet our national sponsors who help us bring the funny and carry a message!
Learning to enjoy life without substance use, and learning to develop true and healthy relationships is possible, but often times requires more than just detox or even short-term treatment. Statistically, longer term treatment is the most likely therapeutic program to bring about a life of sobriety and improved health. Long term drug rehab increases the chances of success because the values, skill sets, and lifestyle for sober living require time to crystallize. The ultimate goal is for the client to take these values, skill sets, and lifestyle with him or her when making the transition back into normal living.
Through its unique inpatient drug rehab and alcoholism treatment plan, Burning Tree staff believe that alcoholics and addicts can learn to live a Life of Excellence Beyond Sobriety filled with self-respect, sincerity, and responsibility. Our curriculum is an innovative holistic treatment based on spiritual principles that treat the whole person, as well as utilizing proven medical and mental health interventions.
There are a whole lot of funny people out there who couldn't bring their gift of laughter to the stage until they started recovery. Now those very same funny alcoholics and funny addicts are sharing their stories and making audiences roll in the aisles laughing with their recovering comedy.
That's what Recovery Comedy is all about. Real Funny! Real Laughs! Real Life! When you hire Recovery Comedy for your NA Convention, AA Convention, Rehab Facility, Halfway House, Prison, Recovery Fundraiser, Friendraiser, College or any other 12 Step Related Comedy Event we'll bring you hand picked, funny comics for recovery who will rock you with laughter!
Real Stories. Real Funny.
"One laugh at a time."